15 – Candace Roberts, Becky Haycox & Lorenzo Barrar

Episode 15 begins with a mammoth roll of thunder recorded here in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago. Then there’s a 2.5 min. interview with Becky Haycox (winner of the recent iPod contest) about the “science quilts” she is making in Ventura, California. After that we talk with Lorenzo Barrar, a 12-year-old jeweler and mycologist who has spent most of his life in a forest near Gualala, California. Lorenzo talks about his mushroom hunting and jewelry-making, and the rewards that close observation of nature provides (11 min.). Then the main event—my interview with singer/songwriter Candace Roberts, along with tuneful excerpts from her album Honeymoon for One (33 min.). The episode closes with some voicemail messages left by listeners on the Andy’s Treasure Trove Listener Call-in Line (415-508-4084). Please add your comments by calling that number and leaving a message for me or for the whole Treasure Trove audience. This is your opportunity for immortality! And please tell your friends about Andy’s Treasure Trove—a new contest is coming soon!
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Explore Candace Roberts and her album Honeymoon for One at www.candaceroberts.com
Keywords and links:
Thunder, San Francisco, Becky Haycox, science quilts, Ventura, Lorenzo Barrar, mycology, mushrooms, marasmius mushroom, chanterelle mushroom, black trumpet mushroom, death trumpet mushroom, hedgehog mushroom, jewelry-making, antique jewelry, Gualala, CA, Roots Originals, Point Arena, CA, Candace Roberts, Honeymoon for One, Kazakhstan, Walton-on-Thames, England, Sarah Schulman.